What to look for in a Property Manager | Professionals Collective

What to look for in a Property Manager

Professionals Burleigh Latest News | Tips & Tricks 19th October, 2021 No Comments


A property manager can be very valuable for a landlord and tenants alike. If you’re on the lookout for a trustworthy, reliable and reputable property manager, here are some key things to consider.


Do your research

Look at comparative rentals in your area and research the property values, this will give you insight into the expected rate of return for your investment.

Find a property manager that has a good reputation and track record and can maximise the returns on your property. Speak to friends and colleagues that are also investors and even neighbours in the property area who have inside knowledge. You want to prioritise finding a property manager who has attention to detail and great communication with both landlords and tenants.

Where possible, engage a property manager that is within close range of the property. You’ll have piece of mind knowing the manager is within proximity of the property and has direct access in the case of emergency maintenance and repairs.


Know your rights and responsibilities

If you’ve purchased a property with the intent to have long-term tenancy, it’s important you know the rental laws and the dual rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants.

Will you be allowing pets in your property? Will tenants have access to the entire property or only certain areas? Consider these questions and ensure you have contractual agreements in place to help you and your tenants abide by current and changing laws.

You want to find a property manager that has expert advice and knowledge in the rental laws, but you as a responsible landlord should also be well versed in these laws.


Find a proactive property manager

A property manager that is professional and diligent with a proactive approach is highly valued among investors and tenants.

A question you want to be asking your prospective property manager is how they screen and secure the right tenants and how do they retain them? Other questions you should ask is how many properties they’re managing? What is their payment procurement method? Are they the only manager for my property and if not who else would be managing my investment? How often are inspections carried out? How will they be advertising my property?


Management Fees and Budgeting

As an investor you’ll incur property maintenance and repair fees, but you will also have regular management payments due. Be sure to understand the full fee structure before you decide on your property manager. Here at Professionals Burleigh we offer full inclusive management packages starting at 4.5% plus GST with no hidden costs. Contact Brendan Musca for more information on our property management packages.