Prepare your Home for a Spring Sale | Professionals Collective

Prepare your Home for a Spring Sale

Professionals Burleigh Latest News | Tips & Tricks 2nd November, 2021 No Comments


Spring is the season to sell and preparing your home correctly will give you the best chance of attracting keen buyers and ultimately securing a profitable sale.


Why you should Sell your Home in Spring

Spring has seen to be one of the busiest periods for selling with more buyers ready to purchase property in the springtime. Properties also look more appealing in the spring, flowers are blooming and gardens are thriving plus buyers are more inclined to visit open homes when the weather is sunny and warm.


With Christmas and the end of year approaching, buyers are motivated to secure a home in time for the holiday period and get settled before a new school and work year begins.


Short Supply Boosting Property Prices

With the current shortage in stock the prices for properties are spiking, CoreLogic announced that the national house prices are rising at a rate faster than they ever have in 32 years. Buyers fear missing out on properties and analysts predict the demand won’t be slowing down anytime soon.


Tips for Preparing your Home to Sell in Spring

With an increase in both sellers and buyers during the springtime, there is more competition when it comes to selling your property which in turn drives sale prices higher. So if you’re considering selling your home this spring you should make a plan to best prepare your property to sell and achieve a great sale outcome.


1. Complete any repairs and renovations

Ensure everything is fixed and in working order throughout the interior and exterior of your property. Repair leaking taps, faulty light switches, and any household appliances such as air conditioning units or garage doors.

Look at your home from a buyer’s perspective, can anything be improved, can walls be painted, does the carpet have stains that need to be cleaned, could anywhere outside be pressure cleaned?

To achieve a fantastic sale price you need to present your home immaculately with the intention to sell.


2. Do a spring clean

Do a thorough spring clean to get your home ready to sell. Clean windows inside and out, dust all rooms including any fixtures such as picture frames, artworks, and mounted televisions. Wash curtains, dust blinds and shutters, clean sliding door railings, mirrors, switches, taps and fittings.

Have any timber flooring refinished and organise carpets to be professionally steam cleaned. Pay close attention to kitchens and bathrooms, cleaning cupboards inside and their surfaces, tidying shelves and drawers, stovetops and sinks.


3. Impress from first glance

Increase the curb appeal of your home by tidying up and enhancing the exterior of your property. Tidy the front and back garden by mowing lawns, removing any branches and fallen palm fronds. Pressure clean your driveway and any pathways and stairs leading to the house, you may also consider repainting the exterior of your home or having the roof restored and painted.

Depending on your budget and anticipated sale price, consider investing in professional landscaping for your outdoor space. This will enhance the look of your home, drive the buyers interest and increase your chances of achieving a great sale outcome.


Sell your Home this Spring

If you’re preparing your home to sell this spring, ensure you speak to an experienced real estate agent and receive an accurate appraisal of your property. Gain an understanding of how your property sits in the market by receiving a free expert property appraisal with a Professionals agent.



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