Protecting your home against pest invasion

Protecting Your Home Against Pest Invasion

Professionals Burleigh Latest News | Tips & Tricks 13th December, 2021 No Comments

Protecting your home against pest invasion

Protect your home from pest invasion through early detection and removing them quickly and efficiently.


Keeping on top of cleanliness inside the home and blocking pest entry from the outside is a good start.


Pest removalist specialists suggest regular maintenance, this will safeguard your home against bugs, rodents termites, wasps and other unwanted creepy crawlies.


Clean and declutter for detection

It’s recommended to clear any clutter and store items in plastic or metal containers rather than cardboard and removing any rubbish properly.


The most common type of hiding place for pests is somewhere warm, close to a food source and anywhere out of plain sight.


Consider your garage, inside the roof of your house, in the back of a pantry, behind cupboards, under furniture and white goods and under sinks.


Pests do not discriminate when it comes to choosing a home for invasion. Most pests are just as common in clean houses as they are in dirty ones. The only difference is the clean and tidy homes will be easier to treat and protect.


Ants are normally looking for food or water, especially if they’re nested in or around your property. They’ll normally enter through a small crack and if successful in their search, they’ll leave a pheromone trail for other ants to follow.


Preventative measures

Preventative measures can control an ant infestation, cleaning spills, sealing cracks, cleaning out gutters and storing food in well-sealed containers.

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